
Pink and Bright


This tied bouquet “Pink and Bright” is tastefully made in shades of pink blooms, detailed by lush fillers and foliage. Perfect for someone who feel like a change, other than only classic roses for Valentine’s Day. 

Sample picture is a front style, medium size, approximately 16”W x 12”H

Flowers, foliage and container (if included) may be different due to stock availability.

Please be advised that many flowers are seasonal, and our stock is limited. We will make our very best effort to create your order as similar as possible to the sample arrangement. If you have any specific requirements, or not flexible with alternative flower choices, please contact us prior to submitting the order. 403-292-0566


This tied bouquet “Pink and Bright” is tastefully made in shades of pink blooms, detailed by lush fillers and foliage. Perfect for someone who feel like a change, other than classic roses.

Initially created for Valentine’s day, but also suitable for many other occasions, such as Mother’s Day, Birthday, Anniversary, thank you, get-well,  congratulations, and more.

Additional information

Size options

Large, Medium, Small


Round style, Front style