


This medium presentation bouquet is created for moments worth celebrating and capturing. It is a dry packed bouquet. You can carry it easily when taking photograph. 

Color theme can be customized to meet your specific request. Please leave a note of preference at checkout.

Flowers and wrapping details maybe different due to stock availability. 

Please be advised that many flowers are seasonal, and our stock is limited. We will make our very best effort to create your order as similar as possible to the sample arrangement. If you have any specific requirements, or not flexible with alternative flower choices, please contact us prior to submitting the order. 403-292-0566


A medium presentation bouquet is created for moments worth celebrating and capturing. It is a dry packed bouquet. You can carry it easily when taking photograph. 

Please be advised, this bouquet will require recutting before put in a vase with water.

Flowers and wrapping details maybe different due to stock availability. 

This bouquet is perfect for occasions like graduation ceremony, award winning, congratulations, farewell, and more…